Club Policies & Codes of Conduct
Club Policies
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc was established in 2009. The club operated as Hamersley Rovers Soccer Club at the Carine Open Space since 1981 and separated from the Senior teams to form a new Junior club that was more effectively able to reflect the needs, interests and strengths of junior players and teams. Since our early days in 1981 the club’s aim has been to promote the game of football in the community and to encourage players, coaches, managers and parents/caregivers to develop an enjoyment of the game.
Our club’s objectives are to:
Promote and encourage participation and enjoyment whilst developing the skills of all players and all teams
Encourage and support players to play to the best of their abilities and provide opportunities for players and teams to play at different levels of competition
Promote and provide a safe and healthy environment that values, supports and encourages players of all abilities, genders, cultures, and backgrounds
Encourage and promote fair play, respect for others and good sportsmanship
Value, assist, and support coaches and other club volunteers in the important work they do.
In doing this we ask that our
Show respect for yourselves and all others involved in the game, including coaches and other team officials, club and match officials, and other players
Show pride in the club and your own achievements
Be prepared to give your best every time you come to training or take the field
Parents and Caregivers:
Encourage good sportsmanship, participation and enjoyment
Support and show appreciation for club volunteers, coaches and team officials
Be prepared to support your children and the club by volunteering your time, skills and experience to help with training, match play and the running of the club
Operate within the rules and spirit of the game and teach your players to do the same
Promote good sportsmanship and team work
Value the contribution and participation of all players
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC advocates for equal playing time for all kids across all levels and all age groups, regardless of whether you’re playing a friendly match against another Hamersley Rovers JFC team, or your grand final match in an 18’s Division 1 team.
The Club is committed to ensuring that each player has the opportunity to learn and develop skills appropriate for their stage of development. The club also recognises that match play is an important learning tool and provides opportunities for the application and development of a player’s individual and team skills.
In the spirit of MiniRoos, Coaches are asked to rotate players equally in terms of playing time and position to provide maximum opportunities for player participation and development. Players must be rotated fairly and should be allocated as near as reasonably possible equal playing time. While it is acknowledged that at times this can be difficult to manage it is expected that every reasonable effort will be made to comply with this requirement.
In Junior age teams – 12s to 16s – players require competitive match play in order to develop skills. The games should however be played with players being allocated equal playing time or equal playing intensity wherever possible. On occasion, coaches may adopt a particular approach to the way in which they rotate players for specific games or for particular reasons. In these cases it is a reasonable expectation that a player will play a minimum of approximately half a game. It is also expected that this approach will not be applied repeatedly to the same player(s). Deviation from this policy must be in consultation with the players and parents concerned and it is expected that no player should spend excessive time on the bench in any match without just cause.
These teams form the basis of the transition from Junior to Senior football and are generally played in fewer and more competitive divisions than younger age groups. On occasion, coaches may adopt a more strategic approach and may elect to play the strongest or particular players throughout a fixture and give limited field time to certain players. This approach must be in consultation with the players and parents at training prior to the game and may be influenced not solely by player ability but by player attendance at training, personal effort and attitude, team participation etc.
It is a reasonable expectation that a player will play a minimum of approximately one third of a game. Deviation from this policy must be in consultation with the players and parents concerned at training prior to the game and it is expected that no player should spend excessive time on the bench in any match without just cause.
For Junior and Youth ages, training regularly and arriving to training and for match day warm ups becomes more pertinent and in more serious cases, where players haven’t trained for an extended period or players continue to not arrive in line with the coaches and managers instructions, we encourage the coaches to discuss (with the Committee) remedies available to them.
The Club is committed to ensuring that each player has the opportunity to learn and develop skills appropriate for their stage of development within a family-oriented, social environment. Players will be encouraged to achieve their best within this supportive environment. The Club also recognises that football is a competitive sport. Some players will look for a more competitive element and where possible will be encouraged and supported through training and development programmes aimed at helping them develop a higher level and through the provision of more competitive teams where appropriate.
Where there is more than one team in an age group, players for teams 12s and above may be graded or assessed by club officials in order to support the needs of the club, coaches and individual players and will be placed on the basis of skill level, individual needs and team requirements
Players for teams 11s and under who wish to play in a team with friends may nominate up to two players names on their Registration form. The Club will endeavour to place players in the same team or squad but cannot guarantee to satisfy all requests. The Club will also accept requests from players to remain with the same team as the previous season, however this may not always be possible and the club reserves the right to move players across teams where it is considered necessary.
The club will stream players into Competitive and Development teams at 12s age group as required. Players in 10s and 11s teams will be assessed by the club to assist in allocating players to teams and in allocation of teams to leagues, through soft grading (assessment in consultation with coaches and Committee, without formal trials), but the focus will remain on keeping teams and friends together as much as possible
Players in 8s and 9s age groups may be assessed by the club in order to balance teams across competitions
The Committee understands that whilst players may wish to play in the same team as their friends it is not always possible and while every attempt will be made to accommodate players, the Committee’s decision will be final
Late registering players will not be able to take part in initial team placement and will be assessed and placed as deemed appropriate at the absolute discretion of the Committee.
The Committee will not approve the placement of more players in any team than can be accommodated on the match card unless a special request is received from the Coach of the team and supported by the Team Manager. In special circumstances the club may seek to place additional players in a team however in these situations Club officials will consult with the team coach prior to allocating an additional player or players to a team.
The Club will accept requests from players to play at a higher age group one year above their natural age providing that playing in a higher age group will not result in another player being refused registration in their natural age group. The Committee will not allow a player to play more than one age group higher than their natural age without written approval from the players parents and, where required, from Football West.
Age adjusted players will be reviewed by the Allocation Committee annually. Playing up to the next age group is not necessarily guaranteed year on year and is at the discretion of the Committee.
After assessment (if required), and taking into account requests made by players The Committee will allocate players to a team. The decision of the Committee will be final
The Member Protection Policy’s aim is to foster positive behaviours and attitudes to ensure that everyone involved in Football is treated with respect and dignity in a safe environment and protected from all forms of abuse.
The Policy aims to ensure that all parties are aware of their legal and ethical rights and responsibilities.
The Club must:
- Adopt the Football West Member Protection Policy and ensure all members are aware of its existence by promoting, distributing and implementing the Policy
- Investigate any complaints that are brought by or against the club, players, parents/caregivers/, officials in an impartial, sensitive, timely and confidential manner
- Promote and provide a safe and healthy environment that values, supports and encourages players of all abilities, genders. cultures and backgrounds
All Players must:
- Show respect for themselves and all others involved in the game, including coaches and other team officials, club and match officials, and other players
- Be responsible and accountable for their own conduct;
- Make themselves aware of the contents of the Club Code of Conduct Policy
Coaches and/or Club Volunteers
All Coaches and/or Volunteers must:
- Make themselves aware of the contents of the Member Protection Policy;
- Consent to the completion of the Member Protection Declaration Form should they hold a position in the Club that includes the direct and/or unsupervised contact with children;
- Provide a discrimination, harassment and abuse free sporting environment
All Parents/Caregivers must:
- Make themselves aware of the contents of the Member Protection Policy
- Encourage good sportsmanship, participation and enjoyment
- Support and show appreciation for club volunteers, coaches and team officials
Who is affected by the Policy?
This policy applies to all members, administrators, officials, coaches, players, visitors and volunteers of the Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc
This policyis effective from August 2010.
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc will promote the responsible adult use of alcohol by:
Ensuring at social events alcohol is not served to any person who is intoxicated or under the age of 18 years.
Promoting the responsible use of alcohol at events where alcohol may be served.
Other Drugs
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC discourages the use of medications in respect of injury/recovery that would enable a participant to compete where they would not otherwise have been able.
Medications are not administered or issued to players by coaches or club officials unless they are the parent or guardian of that player.
We will adopt and be guided by the Sports Medicine Australia policy on the administration of medications by non–medical personnel.
The use of illicit & performance–enhancing drugs is not condoned.
In the event that club personnel have reason to believe a member may be using illicit drugs, we will contact a relevant agency for professional advice on how to manage the situation (i.e. –Alcohol & Drug Information Service).
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc recognises that smoking and passive smoking are hazardous to health. We will ensure a smoke–free environment by:
Ensuring all areas of the club buildings, including the change rooms, and all club functions are smoke–free.
Making playing and training areas smoke free areas.
Ensuring that visitors to the club are aware of the smoke free areas and provide information about areas where smoking may be permitted.
Not selling tobacco products on the premises.
Prominently displaying no–smoking signage wherever possible.
Sun Protection
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC will take all reasonable steps to address sun safe practices by:
Ensuring adequate shade is provided where possible.
Following The Cancer Council Western Australia guidelines for SunSmart clothing and hats.
Encouraging players to use sunscreen.
Sports Safety
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc recognizes that an unsafe environment has the potential to negatively impact on the health and well–being of individuals and the community and will therefore introduce measures to prevent injury and promote safety.
The club will encourage all members to adopt practices that seek to prevent injury by:
Provide opportunities for coaches, players and officials to attend approved training and accreditation courses in injury prevention and treatment
Encourage warm–up, stretching and cool–down as an important component of playing and training
Encourage players and officials to replace fluids before, during and after training sessions, and to have their own water bottle
Promoting the use of protective equipment including suitable clothing,footwear and sun protection
Maintaining safe playing surfaces and check before training or competition for obstructions or potential dangers
Ensuring that all equipment is safe, well maintained and in good working order
Providing appropriate first aid equipment at all training and competition matches
Providing first-aid equipment and accredited First Aiders/Sports Trainers at training sessions and competition matches wherever possible.
Ensuring adequate public liability and player insurance for all members.
Providing pre–season training programs prior to the commencement of the competition season
Encouraging all players with a prior or current injury to seek professional advice from a sports medicine professional and be fully rehabilitated before returning to play.
Ensuring that an emergency management plan is in place including the appointment of an Emergency Coordinator and access to details on emergency contact numbers.
Healthy Eating
Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc recognises the importance of good nutrition for sports performance by:
Ensuring when food is provided, healthy alternatives in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults are available.
Promoting good nutrition and healthy eating messages.
Non compliance strategy
The following steps will be followed if anyone breaches the Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Inc healthy club policy
Assume that the person is unaware of the policy
A Club representative will approach the person breaching the policy and ask them to refrain from the behaviour and remind them about the policy
Policy review
This policy will be reviewed six months after its introduction and then on annual basis thereafter. This will ensure that the policy remains current and practical.
Coaches and adult club members are expected to set appropriate examples and act as role models for junior club members.
The club will make information available to club members and families to promote healthy lifestyles.
Anyone wishing to discuss any aspect of this policy is invited to contact any members of the committee.
Codes of Conduct
- Remember that young players participate in sport for pleasure and winning is only PART of their fun.
- Never ridicule or yell at a young player for making a mistake or for not winning.
- Be reasonable in your demands on players’ time, energy and enthusiasm.
- Operate within the rules and spirit of football and teach your players to do the same.
- Any physical contact with a young player should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for their development.
- Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience. All young players are deserving of equal attention and opportunities.
- Avoid overplaying talented players. All players deserve equal playing and training time, regardless of their ability.
- Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age, maturity and ability of all players.
- Display control, respect and professionalism to all others involved with football. This includes, but is not limited to, opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators.
- Encourage your players to do the same.
- Show concern and caution toward sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a physician when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition.
- Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth and development of young players.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion
All Hamersley Rovers Junior FC MiniRoos, Junior and Youth players must adhere to the following Code of Conduct:
Play by the rules set out by Football West.
Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
Treat all participants in soccer as you like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully*, or take unfair advantage of another player.
(* Bullying includes cyber-bullying. NO hurtful or abusive messages on group chats or private chats. NO sharing of photos or videos without consent and NO mocking or teasing someone because of personal attributes). For further support on cyber-bullying, Bullying online | eSafety Commissioner
Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions.
Cooperate with your coach, teammates and opponents in training and in games.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Never argue with a referee or any official (Football West or volunteer parent). If you disagree, discuss the matter with your captain, coach or manager and have them approach the official on your behalf at an appropriate time.
Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials, sledging of other players, and deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours at this club.
Avoid using derogatory language or swearing. Referees can issue a yellow card for swearing during a game and fines can be incurred.
Participate for your own enjoyment, not just to please parents and coaches.
Work equally hard for yourself and your team. Your team’s performance will benefit; so will you.
Breaches of this code of conduct may result in corrective or disciplinary action being taken by the club. This may include suspension or termination of membership.
Hamersley Rovers JFC also have expected codes of conduct for all Spectators, parents and coaches. All club members must also adhere to the requirements of the Football Federation Australia Code of Conduct and Football West Code of Conduct.
- Remember that young people participate in football for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.
- Encourage children to participate, do not force them to.
- Focus on your child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
- Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake. Positive comments help motivate young players.
- Remember that children learn best by example. Appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants.
- Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from all football activities.
- Respect the decisions of officials and teach children to do likewise.
- Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate in football.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
- Remember that young people participate in football for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.
- Applaud good performance and efforts from all individuals and teams. Congratulate all participants on their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.
- Respect the decisions of officials and teach young players to do the same.
- Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake. Positive comments help motivate young players.
- Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, coaches, officials or players.
- Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game.
- Encourage all players to follow the rules and the decisions of all officials.
- Do not use foul language, sledge or harass any player, coach or official.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
- You can read more of FFA Spectator Policy